
train to the BEAT

Strength “Train to the Beat” is a 45 minute, Full Body Resistance Training workout that uses a variety of dumbbells and weighted bars to train all your main muscle groups (Legs, Back, Chest, Glutes, Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders and Abs).

Music is a main driver in this class as the exercises are set to the 
beat of the music, allowing participants to not only experience music that motivates and inspires, but also the benefits of training to the beat (Tempo Training) which increases the muscles time under tension and challenges your body in a different way for great results.

This is not a cardio class, but the exercise supersets will certainly elevate your heart rate and improve your overall fitness.

All fitness levels welcome!

circuit style BOOTCAMPS

strength + cardio + core


FHIIT-CAMP is the fitness ROOM's signature 45-minute Bootcamp. Built around High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) protocols, this workout combines functional, demanding, and athletic training styles, seamlessly alternating between strength, cardio, and core exercises in a circuit format!

FHIIT is a comprehensive full-body conditioning bootcamp designed to elevate your fitness game, leaving you drenched in sweat while enhancing your cardio, agility, and strength capabilities.


The strength MIX method empowers participants to tailor their workout to achieve their fitness goals. Since this workout isn't synced to the music's beat (like strength-Train To The Beat) and instead consists of 30-second intervals, you have the flexibility to lift as heavy or as light as you wish while staying in a lower repetition range.

We superset our strength exercises with a variety of functional movement exercise, that will improve your fitness for everyday life.

What do fhiit-CAMP & strength MIX have in common?


This class is highly adaptable to accommodate various needs and fitness levels. Beginners and advanced participants can comfortably share the space and enjoy the workout by personalizing their routines through our 1-2-3 modification approach (high, medium, low intensity).

*Our coaches offer lots of options (beginner to advanced) to ensure everyone feels the burn and is successful.

Great results

  • Build total-body strength 
  • ​Boost your endurance
  • Building on the basics
  • Metabolic Boost
  • Improve Technique by going at your own pace
  • Boost your confidence
  • Target multiple muscle groups in a single session